How To Hook Up With Women By Venus

{November 15, 2009}   It’s Been A While. . .

I have always liked that song, even though I have never been addicted…to drugs anyways…

So, I have sort of taken an extended vacation. Things got pretty heavy for a while, but I am back and slowly returning to the scene.

The bad: Lost contact with a lot of people, and for that I apologize.

The good: got LOTS of good stuff coming in the future.

Come back often, and as the winter approaches, more and more information, fun, and advice will start to fill this blog again! Yeah!

Miss me? Liar, I know the game and you would say anything to keep me hanging on…*wink*

That’s right…the Bitch is back…


Love and stuff!


(no, this is not a pic of me…

I wish!)

Fear of dating and love

Fear of dating and love

Believe it or not, many people have a fear of dating and love. Sometimes, they are not even consciously aware of it. There are usually 4 types of fear associated with dating and love.

The most common type of fear of dating and love is simply embarrassment. The fear that making contact or striking a conversation with somebody will end up with saying something or doing something that will end in embarrassment. And anybody who has put themselves in this position already knows once you are embarrassed, your game is over and so are any chances of trying to recover from it. That experience, if happened only once, will strike fear in most people from that point on.

Similar to embarrassment, is the fear of making mistakes. It is different from embarrassment, though. This fear is more based on you are going to say the wrong things, things that won’t make you embarrassed, but something like, the person likes the color red and you go on and on about the color blue. Or you think you have a good conversation going and you switch gears to another subject, which just happens to be a sore subject with the person you are conversing with, deleting all the ground you previously made.


Confidence in yourself is the number one weapon in dating. If you have no confidence in yourself, it will definitely show through.
Every time you interact with another, lack of confidence shows through and your chances decrease tremendously before you even utter a word.
Now there is a system that is uniquely written for confidence. And because there are definite differences in the female and male perceives and gains confidence, each one is tailored to whether you are female or male. Choose the one right for you below!
Supreme Self Confidence for Women –  Supreme Self Confidence for Men


Both fear of embarrassment and fear of making mistakes leads up to the ultimate fear, the fear of failure. The sad thing about the fear of failure is that usually, not always, but most times, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is to say that you are so concentrated on making the mistakes and becoming embarrassed, that you ultimately accept the fact that you are going to fail before you even begin. Having that pre-conceived mind set before going in usually ends of making the fear a reality, and you fail, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Understand?

You need to get a handle on these fears, which ultimately combine to create an overall fear of dating or fear of love. The best thing you can do is recognize that they exist. Then accept that you have them so that you can overcome them. Now that you know you have them and accept them, working on them will make it easier to either combat them or change your strategy based on the fact that you know that they are there.

One final fear that actually exist more in men than women, is the fear of dating and love will end in financial loss. No, I am not joking here. There are a lot men out there that mentally block themselves from dating and love because they think it will cost too much. Or worst yet, they spend way more than they should to try to impress somebody or make it appear that they are financially more solid than they really are. After all, there is a social acceptance that any man with money can get a woman regardless of looks or personality. Honestly, unless the woman is a true gold digger, money is not really an issue. If it were, then there would be a LOT of lonely broke men, and if you look around, you will see that it is just not so.

Okay, so now you know the types of fears you are up against. Enjoy the hunt and work it out. You can use this new knowledge to begin to conquer the fear of dating and love.

Gender Psychology And Hooking Up With Women

Gender Psychology And Hooking Up With Women

Do you know enough about gender psychology and how it affects you? What exactly is sexual impulse and why does it create desire? What two phases of these impulses exists in gender psychology and how to use this information? And the psychological affects of the sexual impulse on the woman? These are the questions that are about to be answered in the following article.

Sexual impulse is really a combination of physiological and psychological triggers working in complete harmony with the person experiencing it, and indirectly by sending signals to the nervous system. Such factors of influence include, but are not limited to the five senses. However gender psychology plays a large role as well.

For example, like a moth, scent is used in the form of pheromones that connect the scent to sexual excitation. This sexual excitation, turned into a sexual impulse, is what leads the male to seek the female with the chemical releasing of these pheromones. That is why the scent of a woman can drive a man crazy, overriding logical reaction to sexual impulse.

Regardless of being male or female, you have made a neurological association of pleasure attached directly to physical touch, and ultimately sex. This is what turns the physiological reaction of sexual excitation into the sexual impulse, influenced by the gender psychology.

Sexual impulse leading into desire really is nothing more than an extension of the childhood neurological association of pleasure, even the emotional connection of a loving feeling, to the physical touch. This started from the warmth and protection of your mother’s womb, to the loving arms of parental hugs, holding hands with your first loving attraction, and so forth. Due to gender psychology, men bond physically to this, women bond emotions to the physical action.

There are two phases in a sexual impulse; but, instead of being unrelated, or only distantly related, we see that they are really so intimately connected as to form two distinct stages in or of the same process.

The first stage is usually under the parallel influence of internal and external stimuli such as images, desires, and ideals formulated within the mind. These can be conscious or unconscious. Then the person generally is charged with energy and the person’s sexual organ congests with blood, a normal physiological reaction.

The second stage involves the sexual organ then discharging amid profound sexual excitement, complimented by intense physical stimuli, then followed by deep organic relief. Otherwise known as an orgasm.

It is of course by the first process that produces the tension in which the second process relieves. The first, taking on usually a more active form in the male, has the double affect of bringing the male himself into the condition in which discharge becomes imperative.

At the same time arousing in the female a similar ardent state of emotional excitement and sexual stimuli by the engorging of the her sexual organ. The second process has the task, directly, of discharging the tension thus produced and, indirectly, of effecting the act by which the race is propagated. In other word, that means that the orgasm is physiologically meant to release that sexual tension, while the process also has the side effect of creating life.

Mother nature is kind of tricky, huh! Knowing that the need to release sexual tension by performing the act of sex will also ensure the propagation of the human race, unless manually prohibited, by pill, condom, etc.

What does it all mean? How does it help you hook up with women?

My attempt, although perhaps too clinical, is to have you understand the underlying states that produce the sexual impulse for the purpose of you understanding that it is not just a physical draw, but a psychological connection made from a neurological connection, as well as emotional association.

For men, it simply implies that the reason for The Hunt is not only to gain pleasurable experience through sex, but it is the means necessary to relieve the physiological desire to release the pent up tension that is an automatic response created automatically by the object of his desire. You can’t help yourselves for wanting sex, more so the release of that created tension.

But for women, The Hunt is no only for the above experience as for men, but also an emotional need due to gender psychology. The issue here then becomes, that in order to be successful, you have to get through the woman’s gate keeper. Get through her emotional guard.

Knowing that women are emotionally blocking your efforts, you only need to find the keys to unlock that gate to get to the physiological animal she hides inside! Catching on?

This is the hardest part for you men. No doubt about it. Because here is the final secret to your success: you have to present yourself as the strong and virile man that will fulfill her first emotional blockage of finding a protector and provider (whether that is your intention or not) and then break her other emotional gates down by loving physical contact and connecting conversation.

Contact such as touching her shoulder, touching the back of her hand or better yet holding her hand, and the ultimate, if you can get away with it, to fit some hugs in there too. This enforces the protector, but more than that, re-constitutes her neurological association of love through physical contact.

Get past her emotional gate guardians, and it is all too easy to produce the sexual impulse within her. And this is just the physical side of the communication! Further, it has only scratched the surface!

In order to really get this to work, you need to utilize almost hypnotic verbal communication. Which means you really need to understand gender psychology.


If you find yourself scratching your head wondering – what the hell is she talking about? Then you may need an easier solution.

Seems like too much work? Do it the Internet easy way then…

Forget about all that gender psychology. But, things dealing with psychology usually include a couch…just saying…

Maybe you should learn more about gender psychology and how to use it to hook up with women.

As a man, you are constantly looking at a woman’s body, right? So make it work for you by reading her body language to find out if she is interested to you. Observation is how to hook up with women by reading signs.

Want to know what to look for? Of course you do or you wouldn’t be here…

A woman tends to speak with her body more quickly and usually more often before she actually speaks her mind. To figure out if she is interested in you, there are few almost sure signs that she is feeling you.

The first thing to try and notice is eye contact. When you speak or she speaks (most likely if she is into you, she is just going to let you speak) she will look you directly in the eyes. In fact, she can’t seem to take her eyes off of your eyes. This is one of the biggest signs.

Another sign is her constantly fidgiting with her hair. She is twirlling in around her fingers, or she is constantly flipping it back as she talks with you. The bonus sign, she does all this while never breaking eye contact with you.

Non communication is not a bad sign. In fact, it probably is a good sign. If you find that she is not really saying much, but she is constantly smiling and laughing while looking you in the eyes, then that is the sign. A lot of times we will not speak, because we can not think of anything witty to say and we do not want to come across as a dork to you.



Not always accurate as a sign, but if you find you keep crossing paths in a public place, this could be a sign that she is purposely putting herself in your path.

Also not always a good indicator, is touching you while she speaks. Others claim that this is a classic sign that a woman wants you, but in reality, some women have done that so much during learning their communication skills as a young girl that now it is nothing more than just a habit. Not anymore a sign than your local waitress asking you, “what’ll you have darling?”.

So, observation is the key. I will admit that us women have a tendency to speak with the body before our verbal skills. A keen man can pick up on these subtile messages and be a step ahead on how to hook up with women by reading signs.

Access DeniedHere are what we consider the worst 5 offenders of pickup lines. It is in your very best interest to Never, Never use these.

5. Your legs must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all night…

4. Did it hurt? You know, when you fell out of heaven?

3. I lost my number…can I have yours?

2. I thought I was gay…then I met you!

Tie – 1. Do you come here often? or

1. If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?

These five will get you…nowhere, absolutely nowhere!


Some funny yet still so-not-working pick up lines…

1. Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call your mother and thank her.

2. Your body’s name must be Visa; because it’s everywhere I want to be.

3. I just moved you to the top of my “To Do List.”

4. I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your Bed Rock

5. Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package.


Ready to visit a Blog dedicated to getting you some?



Trying to hook up with women is hard enough as it is, am I right? Did you know that there are common things that men do that creep women out? Have you or worse yet, are you doing any of those creepy things now? Would you even know if you were?

There are 6 common creepy behavior things that men do. Most of the time they are unaware of the fact that they are even doing them. Creepy behavior ruin any chances you might have with women. A lot of the times these things happen before you even get a chance to speak to the girl.

Now you are not going to get the girl, because she has already determined that you are creepy and she needs to stay as far away from you as possible. Leaving you scratching your head and wondering, uh, what did I do?

The first common creepy behavior is something I am sure every man has done at least once in their lives. We women call it hovering or worst yet, lurking.

This is how it usually goes down, and you might not even be aware of it. You see a girl you are instantly interested in. But you do not know exactly what you are going to say to hook up with her. So you keep an eye on her, watch what she is doing, and even try to get close to her. But you are always on the fringes of her area, and although you are keeping eye contact, you are not making any movement to go talk to her.

Believe me when I tell you that she notices this. Her thoughts are exactly pegged in the new special report, Are You Creeping Women Out? …And What To Do About It. Taken directly from this book:

‘This guy is a friggin’ weirdo. He’s annoying me. He’s ruining my night, lurking around, staring, and making me feel self-conscious. What the hell is wrong with him? Why won’t he just go away? If he wants to talk, why doesn’t he just talk? What’s he so afraid of? Jesus, that’s creepy.’

BOOM! Your chances of hooking up with this woman have just completely been blown to hell!

The cure to stopping this creepy habit is a variant of the 3-sencond rule. This will stop the problem immediately, as well as increase your chances of hooking up with women. The 3-second rule can be so effective, that by becoming an ardent user of the technique alone will increase your chance to get the girl.

You have never heard of the 3-second rule? Then you definitely need some help with your game.


Learn about the 3-second rule and the 5 other common creepy things that freaks women out for free! You can download it at right now by just visiting. No strings, no nothing, just right click the download link and save it to your computer, or open it and just read it!

Are You Creeping Women Out? and other great free books and information on how to hook up with women can be found at Venus Tudor’s newest Blog: – go there now to get some good loving!

{November 12, 2008}   Gents, Come Get Some!

I am really excited (no not in THAT way)!

It is less than a week before the long anticipated launch of what is being called the greatest pick up book for men so far, “Get The Girl Guide”!

But even more than that! I can get you on the “inside” before it goes on sale. And even better than that! You can go pick up 2 new books for free right now!

Just follow the link above and you will get inside tips and tricks as well as 2 new books for free, “Are You Creeping Women Out?” and “The Science of Attraction”.

You do not even need to give your email or anything (although you can if you wish). Just visit the link, scroll down and find the links to the books, right click them and save as to download them.

That’s it!

Just another way of how I am hooking you up with women! *wink*

~ Venus

P.S. You HAVE to go check out my newest blog…

Because any lovin’ is good lovin’, right?
“So I took what I could get, mhmm, she said, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!”

Every woman is different. I say this because in the past when I give a list of things like this, there is always somebody that wants to argue it. I am speaking in general terms here, guys. Of course there are always going to be exceptions here and there. But what women want a man to be can be common.

I know even stating that above, someone is going to email me saying that his top 5 things is better than my top 5 and I am not correct. Okay, but here is my question to you honey, ready? How’s that list of 5 working out for you? You getting all the play you want with that top 5 list are you? Girls beating down your door and you have so many you have to turn them away?

My point is that you may have found a list that works for a certain woman. That is great if you are looking for a long lasting, marriage potential relationship. For the rest of us, let us talk about the top 5 things that generally makes a man sexy to women (notice the plural, more than one reference here?).

The subject is hard enough as it is. Sexy is subjective, period. What may turn me on might not do anything for one of my girlfriends. However, there are some commonalities that most women would agree with. The following below are as agreeable as a collective set of women can get.



1. The fine art of being manly.

No, not being a hairy macho caveman. I equate this more as a presence than a physical attribute. Of course eye candy will catch any eye, but for women, that is not the thing that keeps her attention. It really is about the masculinity that you seem to exude. It is instinctual. The female lions do not need a male lion if you think about it. She hunts, fights, and does everything else on her own. But the lion who exudes the most natural masculinity is the lion who has a pride of females following him.

It is the way he carries himself. It is the mannerism of his body during movement. There is a certain confidence about him that no woman can ignore. There is a confidence in his speech and what he says. There is a way about his eyes when he talks that dares you to look away while he is talking, but he somehow knows that you can not. This is the effect of the masculine natural instinct that women can not help but be attracted to regardless of outside appearance. That leads into our next spot…

2. Confidence

There is no other way around it, confidence makes a man, period. You can have a room of 10 guys, 9 of them models, and 1 ordinary Joe. If the 9 models are all wimpy and are too concerned about how they look or if they can go talk to a girl, but Joe has the attitude he is not in competition and walks up and starts taking the initiative on the woman, I can guarantee you 9 guys will have dates with a mirror while Joe is walking out with the woman. Confidence is definitely what women want a man to be.

It seems to come natural by men who have wealth and power. However, you can be a broke guy with a car wash job, if you can pull off that confidence, you are going to get phone numbers. It is as simple as that. Even if you only emulate the confidence convincingly, even if you really are not, you are still going to be that much further ahead than most men. Believe me when I tell you this. Pretend you are James Bond if you have to.

It is not as complicated as you make it out to be, or is it? If getting that phone number seems like an impossible task to you, you need to know the insider secrets to seduction!

3. Flash that smile

It sort of goes with the confidence, but a man who is confident enough to smile a lot can really get attention. In fact, a boyish smile can be a great weapon against women. It says to us that you are confident, friendly, and genuine. It does all of this without you even saying a word. Find a way to be happy and smile a lot and you will notice more and more women wanting to hang out around you. It is like you are the life of the party while the other men are just looking with blank stares and drinking.

4. The eyes have it

Your eyes and what you do with them can be the ultimate secret weapon in your arsenal. Here is why, we are attention whores. Any woman that tells you different is lying. We absolutely seek attention. And lucky for you, it takes something as simple as eye contact. Do this especially if we are speaking to you.

Keeping eye contact with us while we speak makes us feel that you are actually listening and want to hear what we have to say. It may be complete bullshit, but we do not know the difference. The eye contact makes us believe you are and that feeds our attention seeking needs. In fact, if you can keep from bouncing your eyes from our breasts to our eyes, you can use eye contact to make us feel so special that we will pretty much let you take what you want.

5. Aromatherapy

A little bit of man smell can be masculine and attractive. But if you are smelling like you have been on the couch for days playing video games, in other words, like Fritos and sweaty butt crack, you could be a greek god and you are not getting anywhere.

We associate in our minds the smells of tobacco, woods, spices, and moss to masculinity. We can not help it, it turns you into a strong lumberjack in our minds regardless of body type. Stay away from the scents that are made to be worn by both men and women. These are considered androgynous, not manly.

There you have it. Pretend if you have to. But exude confidence and carry yourself as masculine, smiling at your target and look into her eyes like they are the only thing in the universe. Dab a little bit of cologne (dot on the neck behind and below ears and dot on wrists, do not bathe in it). Do these 5 things and you are going to be the guy women are gathering around, what women want a man to be.

{October 20, 2008}   Venus Gets Five Star Sex Rating!

Thought that a short little sex interview would be fun, I did not know the results would be so high!

(You are going to have to agree to adult content)

I have several emails asking me what kind of stories to write. And several requesting an example. So, by request, I present you with a sample of my “Bedtime Stories”. I call this one, “The Bitch Seat”

“So, you coming or what?” Peter’s voice sounded almost annoyed over the phone.

“It’s not going to be one of those all day thingys is it? I have already made plans for tonight…” the last thing I wanted to do is get caught up in a long drawn out boring-ass party.

“No, it is just an afternoon get together…some wine, snacks, and some conversation. Jesus Venus, you ain’t got anything else going on right now and it has been a while since you and I had a chance to see each other. It’s not a date you know…and you already know more than half the people that are going to be there. So what the fuck? You in or not?”

Relentless, but he was right, I had absolutely nothing on my plate for the afternoon “alright, whatever. You are coming over to pick me up then?”

“Yeah, and don’t dress like we are going to a club, it is just some friends, casual, you know? I’ll be there in about an hour…see ya then, ok? Bye” and then there was a click and he was gone before I even had a chance to reply.

Casual, non-club clothes…what did that mean? I went with a sunny-bright yellow button up men’s shirt, tied just above my belly button, and a denim skirt. Michigan summers are not always hot, but they are usually muggy. This outfit seemed comfortable and cool.

The hour had come and gone, and the knock on my door surprised me. I opened to see Peter, a band tee shirt and a pair of jeans…I guess I’ll be okay then. “You ready?” he asked, not bothering to come in.

“Yep, let me get my purse and I’ll…”

“Just grab your ID and whatever else, you don’t need your purse” he stated cutting me right off.

“Damn! Aren’t we a bit commandive today!” I gave him a glare as I stuck my license, some cash, and my lipstick in my skirt pocket. “What the hell? Did I step on a testosterone button or something?”

“No, I guess I am just excited, I want to show you my new ride!” he smiled and pulled me through the doorway. I shut my door, made sure it was locked and away we went.

Out in the drive way was a motorcycle. A really fast looking motorcycle. “Is that a crotch-rocket?”

“Hell’s to the yeah!” he beamed, “Fricken’ sweet, isn’t it?”

“I am not a big fan…so, this is what we are riding on?” I was hoping for a car with air conditioning.

“Hell yeah it is! Grab that helmet, I’ll start her up and steady her for you to get on…” he was like a little boy he was so excited. Peter and I had known each other from the old neighborhood, we had grown up together as childhood friends.

The bike roared like it was already going down the road like a bat out of hell and he had a grin all the way across his face, “Get on, Venus!” I looked behind him for the back seat, but what I found instead was a little piece of colored vinyl, not looking much bigger than a hoagie bun.

“Get on what?” I asked. “This little thing behind you?”

“Yeah!” he winked at me, “it’s called the bitch seat!”

“But I am in a skirt!” I pleaded.

“So! Who cares?” he wasn’t really concerned about it “the worst thing that could happen is that it creeps up a little bit and some old dude has a heart attack because part of your ass cheek is showing…”

I hadn’t even thought about that aspect of it. It surely wasn’t making me any more excited about getting on. “You’re an ass!”

“What? I am not going to see anything!” he padded the little seat with his hand. “Now step on the peg with your left foot, and sort of swing your right leg over like you would getting on a horse. Use my shoulders to steady yourself until your right foot finds the other peg.”

“But they’re so high, how comfortable can it be?” I was starting to question why I was going again.

“It is not that bad, you will lean into me and you’ll see it is not as uncomfortable as it looks.” He leaned a bit forward. I still was not convinced.

I got on the “bitch” seat and put my arms around his waist. “Don’t be popping wheelies or doing any other crazy shit, just get me there in one piece, okay?”

He started to laugh, “Just shut up and ride, baby!” he then revved the engine a couple times.

It was with the very first rev that I noticed that the bike was forcing me to sit with my legs spread and dry humping this little seat. The vibration of the bike took me off guard for a moment as a rush sort of tingled its way through me.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Uh, not really….” I tried to get out as he took off down the driveway.

“Just sit straight up and hold on to me, lean with me when I do.” And with that we were off. He turned out of the driveway and we were on the road, whether I liked it or not.

The bike roared and I won’t deny I enjoyed the tickling vibration it was giving me as we took off down the road. It was mild and soothing. I had resigned myself to the situation and decided I could just enjoy the mild massaging it was giving my inner thighs.

The residential area turned quickly into a main street. And as the bike went from 25 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour, the massaging became more aggressive, and I was enjoying it even more.

As he predicted, although the jean material was still, my skirt still rose a bit. I could feel the wind all around me and inside my skirt. The combination of the bike motor roaring and the wind feel through my underwear was a little more than different, it was down right feeling good. I tightened my grip around his waist.

We entered the entrance ramp and headed onto the highway. With each gear shift and each lowering motor sound the vibrations were…uh, getting me more excited than I wanted to at the moment.

Soon we were on the highway doing 75 and it seemed to be the magic number. I had no idea how long we were going to be on the highway, but I was willing to ride the long haul. I was starting to let the vibration, the wind, and the throbbing bumps just take over me.

This was the first time I was on a “bitch” seat, and I think I know why they call it that now. That bike was sure enough making me its bitch. I was glad the noise of the wind and the helmets covered the fact that I was starting to sweat and breathing heavily.

I was clinging on to him and trying not to cum because there was nothing there to stop anything if I did. As it was I could tell I was conditioning his seat with my wetness, but lord help me I could not stop myself.

He looked to his left and then without warning dropped the bike down a gear and passed the car in front of him.

That was it; it was all I could take. I grabbed him tightly and squeezed my eyes shut trying to stop the inevitable from happening. But I couldn’t. Not now. As my inner thighs twitched and waves of passion went down my legs, I could tell he was noticing my legs flexing around his waist, but I didn’t care.

I was there, the land of the “O”.

I just pressed myself against him and let it take me. I had no choice in the manner anyways. And as I was starting to recover, the bike was slowing down and we exited the highway.

I felt ashamed, damned good, but ashamed. I was hoping we were going to be riding a while longer to dry up some of my mess. Of course it was only minutes after leaving the highway that we arrived at our destination.

He stopped the bike and shut it off. “You have to get off first” he said, if only he knew. In fact I was quite sure he did. I got off the bike and sure enough, my underwear soaked and the top of his seat glistened in the summer sun. My face turned red inside of the helmet.

He got off and started to take off his helmet, “Was that awesome or what?!?” he smiled. He had not seen the evidence yet.

“That, uh, was indeed awesome” I said sort of shyly.

“What’s wrong? I didn’t scare you did I?” His look of concern made me even more embarrassed.

“No….no…wasn’t scared” I was pulling my skirt back down and was trying to get my helmet on top of the seat before he noticed.

“Here, I’ll take that” and he grabbed my helmet…great.

He turned to put the helmets on the helmet hooks and it was then that I think he saw it.

“Uh…Venus…I take it you enjoyed the ride?” he smiled and pointed.

My face turned red and I stammered, “I could not help it, I tried to stop it, but the engine…and the wind…and”

“Son of a bitch…” he said.

“Don’t be mad, it’s not going to hurt the seat or anything” I tried to sound mad, but really I was hoping he was not mad at me, being a new bike and everything.

“Venus, I have dreamed about making you cum for years and years. But I have to tell you, this is not exactly the way the vision went in my head…”

“What?” I asked somewhat angry, “We have been friends for years, Peter, you know I don’t date friends, and I ..”

“Yeah, yeah I know…I’m just saying…” he took his hand and rubbed off the seat.

“Well, baby, you better enjoy that hand then” I said sort of bitchy like, after all I just got off the bitch seat, “cuz that is as close as you are going to get to the real thing!”

“Better not wash this hand then” he chuckled, “unless you plan on enjoying the ride home too!”

“Kiss my ass, bastard!” I said as I slugged him in the arm.

“Apparently I only have to kiss the seat!”

I shook my head as we walked in silence toward the house where the afternoon gathering was.

“Uh, Peter…” I said as we walked up the sidewalk.

“Yeah?” he answered.

“Let’s just keep this to ourselves, please? I swear if you are going to talk about this we might as well get back on the bike and you can take me home and come back yourself!”

He just smiled, put his arm around my waist, gave me a short side hug and said, “You so owe me girl, I swear! It’s not like I am going to forget this ever happened you know…”

et cetera